• Purpose :
To tell readers hat happened in the past throught as of event.

• Generic structure :
It’s about who was involved, what happened, where this event took place and when it

2. EVENT (S)
It’s about what happened in chronological order

The conclusion of the experience

• Significant grammar features :
1. focus on individual participants
2. use of material processes
3. circumstances of theme and places
4. use of past tense

• Language Features
1. Use of noun and pronoun
Ex ; David, We, His

2. Use of action verbs
Ex ; Went, Spent, Played

3. Use of time conjuction
Ex ; And, But, After

4. Use of adverb and adverb of phrases
Ex ; In My House, Two Day Ago, Yesterday, Last Year

5. Adjectives
Ex ; Beautiful, Sunny

• The significant Lexicogrammatical features :
- Use of simple past tense
- Use of temporal conjunctions (when, after, before, next, later, then)
- Use of personal pronoun (I, we)
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